"In the Beginning?"
Controversy is one of the hardships that come with being a Christian. Unfortunately, it also encompasses the majority of the field of science. We are told in James that “the trying of our faith brings forth patience,” and this does not exclude controversial topics of science. One of the most familiar controversies in science is the theory of evolution.
As Christians, we know that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” as stated in Genesis 1:1. However, the majority of the world disagrees based on what they refer to as scientific proof. They believe the earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old and was formed either from the movement of atmospheric particles or a massive explosion. Secular theorists would have us believe that from nothing, a wonderfully organized and sophisticated planet came into existence that had the precise conditions to support human life. If we know that evolution not only is incorrect, but also defies all scientific laws that the secular scientists teach, then aren’t we as Christians liable to instruct our children on how to refute those findings that disagree with the word of God? Do our children not need to know what the world is teaching so we can instruct them on how to argue against it?
As the upper school science teacher at TBCA, I believe it is not only important, but also view it as my responsibility to teach our students about secular theories while maintaining a Christian worldview. Children need to know why evolution is scientifically invalid and how to argue its inaccuracies. More importantly, they should not only be able to defend their faith, but also the word of God against secular theories. A large part of our students will attend a secular college or university that only teaches the field of science from a secular worldview. That means they will be required to learn about many controversial topics without the guidance of Christian teachers and professors. Topics that extend far beyond evolution to include stem cell research, genetic engineering, cloning, etc.
For so long, Christian education has avoided such controversial topics and has allowed children to enter the world without knowing how to utilize the scriptures to argue against secular theories. In a world driven by science and technology, we need more than ever to rear Christian scientists that possess a strong foundation of God’s word while having the knowledge of how to refute concepts that are not in line with the Bible. If students practice science with a Christian worldview, then they will not only be able to argue science from a biblical perspective, but also use those tools to support the cause of Jesus Christ.
Jennifer Locklear
TBCA Upper School Science Teacher
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