We are the Clay

Thursday, March 6, 2014 was cold, windy, and complete with sleet, however that did not keep students, parents, relatives, and friends from coming out to enjoy Create and Discover. In years past, the student art show previously named “Gallery Night” was held in conjunction with the spring parent meeting. This year the art department joined forces with the science department to hold one special event as a fundraiser for the school. The evening also showcased talents from drama and music to make it a special night for all.

Art to some may mean an “easy A”or a fun class, however art is much more than that at Triad Baptist Christian Academy. Art teaches students to be detail oriented, focus, problem solving skills, and gives each student confidence in knowing with God they can accomplish and be successful at anything they strive to do. A small portion of that success is shown at the student art show. Starting one January morning, the preparations for the yearly student art show begin. The process is simple, however there are many small details to be taken care of to make sure the show is a complete view of what the students have learned over the previous months. Work from each grade is separated, student work is gathered together, and three pieces are picked from each student‘s portfolio. A variety of work from each grade is selected to show what the students have accomplished. After labels are printed, the art is mounted on the display panels, and then stored after each panel is completed. This year forty-six panels showing over four hundred pieces of artwork was on display.

The name change was not the only new addition to this year‘s show. Guest judges that were not affiliated with TBCA came on Thursday afternoon to view and award ribbons to outstanding pieces. Ann Meadows, retired art teacher from South Stokes High School, and Elizabeth Felts, a graphic designer and illustrator, graciously gave their time to view and offer feedback for each piece. They were amazed at the level of talent, and artistic abilities there are in each grade. After the judges scores were tallied, they awarded blue (first place), red (second place), and white (third place) ribbons. The top scoring piece in each grade was awarded a special rosette "Judges Choice" ribbon.

At 6:00pm, Create and Discover all came together with smiles, excitement over ribbons won, and “job well done” comments from parents, friends, and relatives. When it is all said and done, it comes down to this verse which sums it up for me as an art teacher …Isaiah 64:8 "But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand."

-Lisa Ritcher, Art Instructor

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