The elementary students of TBCA embark on a journey as they explore God’s love and His plan for their lives.
God’s Word is the foundation and guide as each subject is taught from a Biblical lens that presents not only a clear gospel message, but also integrates His sovereign power and infinite wisdom over all things. According to Psalm 119:105, we are to use the Bible as our Lamp and our Light. For this reason, the elementary adventure begins with His Word as our foundation.
Relationships are important to all of our staff members, but is especially focused on in elementary school. Our elementary teachers diligently work to get to know each student, their personal interests and their academic mindset and needs. We do our best to show God’s love for each student by reflecting that love through us. Philippians 2:3 challenges each person to consider others before themselves. Teaching children how to love others and how to serve others begins in kindergarten and continues through 5th grade. By fostering strong relationships, our elementary students can develop academically, spiritually, mentally, and socially.
Experiences of a TBCA student are driven by the staff’s desire to provide a quality education as an ambassador of Christ. He commands that all things be done with quality and order. Teachers seek to provide quality by utilizing a standard-based approach in developing lessons. The use of multiple classroom resources allows for our teachers to construct Academic lessons that meet the students where they are as learners.
- Reading: Our primary grades (K-2) build reading lessons on Abeka phonics and also use leveled readers that expose the students to instruction that stretches them. Independent practice also that provides oral fluency and competent readers. In grade 3-5 there is a balance of ensuring our students are fluent while focusing on constructing meaning from the text. Chapter books, informational text, poems, and other resources are used in the upper elementary grades to hone both informational text understanding and literary text. Vocabulary instruction is driven by Words Their Way. Guided reading provides a time for students at the same reading level to work on specific skills in order to address
their individual needs. - Math: Grades K-3 currently use Bob Jones resources to drive their math instruction while utilizing additional resources as needed. Grades 4 and 5 use a variety of resources including Saxon. In any grade level, the routine of concrete-pictorial-abstract is used to introduce and develop math understandings. We do work at each grade level for our students to accomplish fact fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This is applied as each student’s problem-solving ability is developed by teaching multiple strategies to solve word problems.
- Grammar is taught beginning in first grade and includes the parts of speech, capitalization, punctuation, types of sentences, writing sentences, and writing paragraphs. The Sadlier Grammar Workshop books is used in grades 3-5.
- Handwriting in both print and cursive are taught using a letter by letter approach.
Kindergarten learns print, with first grade reviewing. Second grade learns cursive, with third grade reviewing. - Writing is driven by the knowledge of grammar and the connection between the two is paramount to the success of these young writers. A variety of writing is taught from basic sentences to stories to letters to essays. The routine of writing is the focus of each grade level. This routine begins with brainstorming, planning, drafting, editing, revising, and publishing.
- Science lessons are designed with the understanding that God is the Creator and that mankind bears his image and should rule over the earth and all that is in it. This provides understanding to the perspective of science that our teachers provide. Each grade level connects to four structures…content vocabulary, journaling/note-taking, concept understanding, and hands-on experiences. Textbooks are utilized as a resource, though not a stand-alone.
- Social Studies instruction focuses on a different topic each year, but is grounded in a Biblical view of a world that is sin-filled and men who make choices which impact themselves and others around them. Students encounter a synopsis as to what God’s Word says about events of history and how can we please God in the history that we are living out.
“Train up a Child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Most importantly, TBCA is a training ground for young believers. As students join us on the GREAT adventure, we continue to place our faith and hope in God who makes so many promises. One that we stand on is the promise of a return on the investment
of pouring God’s Word in young hearts and minds. We take this training to involve Bible
memory and daily Bible lessons, character trait studies, and of course chapel services that are designed specifically for our elementary students. These four components assist our families as we together fight for our students to love Jesus with all of their heart, and soul, and mind.
Are you ready to join TBCA’s Elementary School as we take off on the G.R.E.A.T.
Adventure...where students experience God’s love and learn about HIS world for His glory.
Each day, classes in our elementary division are provided with opportunities to broaden their horizons. Elementary Specials include music, Spanish, art, technology, physical education, and media. Each specialist works to facilitate a wide variety of experiences to provide our students with a wide spectrum understanding of all that their content area includes.