We are genuinely thankful for the privilege and opportunity to participate in the education of young children and caring for their spiritual needs. We believe that God has called us here for that purpose. Partnering with parents, we strive to provide an experience that will equip each child with the tools they will need to reach their academic potential and grow spiritually in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
The children are surrounded by a Christian atmosphere of respect and loving appreciation for each person and for the wonders of God's world. Each child is encouraged to progress at his own rate of speed toward enriched experiences, self-discipline, and the ability to make choices.
Our aim is to develop the total personality of each child by providing an educational experience of lasting value:
Cognitive: by encouraging an enthusiasm for learning, exploring and first-hand experiences.
Physical: by encouraging experiences which will develop large and small muscle coordination and motor skills. (Each age group has a Gym class once a week)
Social: by encouraging participation in group activities, getting along with others, and developing a feeling of security and belonging.
Spiritual: Bible stories and songs are included in the day's activities giving each child an awareness of God's love for him. We use ABEKA, a bible based curriculum.
Emotional: by helping the children understand how much they are loved by God and others.
Creative: by encouraging the exploration of Music, Sign Language, Art, and Science experiences.
Triad Baptist Preschool uses the ABeka Curriculum which focuses on phonics, language development, numbers, arts and crafts, and Bible- specific to the age group.
We are licensed by the State of North Carolina.
Our total capacity of enrollment is 125 children.
Our Child to Teacher Ratio is as follows:
Young 2 year olds – 6 children to 1 staff
Older 2 year olds – 10 children to 1 staff
3 year olds – 15 children to 1 staff
Pre-K – 15 children to 1 staff
"But Jesus said, Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14