A Season of Unrest...what do I do, Lord?

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No matter what your background or profession--or for that matter what your political or Biblical perspective is, you can not deny the ora of unrest that surrounds our nation, our state, our school, and yes, even our families. You can feel the uncertainty in everyone's eyes, and the sense of insecurity can be felt in what used to be deemed the most stable any level of society, from jobs to churches, even in our schools. The reality of COVID continues to wrap its arms around like an amoeba's pseudopod engulfs its food…but is this the culprit that has truly gripped society? No, I dare to say it's not. The truth is, humans, continue to search as they have done for centuries. Searching for the next job…the next great sportsman…the next house…the next school…the next whatever…the list goes on and on. Our searching and our human answers are such a tunnel-vision compared to the panoramic view of our Savior. We see our lives in an unplanned state and begin to question everything, including that big overarching question of "Why is this happening, Lord…and how do I cope with the uncertainty of today?" Facing this question drove me to the Bible to look at the greatest of all examples--Jesus.

Jesus looked to His Father for guidance throughout His entire ministry--from His first act of "doing His Father's business" to His final act on the cross--He was a man but yet showed complete submission to the will of His Father. You know that wasn't easy. He was challenged His entire time here on earth, yet looked upward for direction. Have you ever needed to speak to one who "considered themselves an expert" in an effort to correct them…or at least make them think? Jesus did it over and over again. Those who observed the religious laws and rituals couldn't quite understand how simple child-like faith in a Savior could be enough. Not to mention how Jesus would pay that price. And don't think for one moment that what Jesus did was just easy…though He was fully God, He was also fully man…so that doubt, disappointment, and feeling of being destitute had to exist within Him, but yet He followed His Father's plan

If Jesus can look to His heavenly Father, then I can too. The unrest must be part of God's plan, so our eyes must be on Him. Not on people or things, but on Him. There's a quote that goes something like, "If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you'll be at rest." He is the only peace during the chaos and the orchestrator of a perfect plan for you. As we look to our Father for guidance, we must do so with a spirit of zeal.

Jesus did His earthly work with a spirit of enthusiasm, no matter the dynamics of that specific day. We see Him face multitudes and handfuls, supporters and skeptics--opposing opinions and yes, even those that were "humanly" responsible for His crucifixion (Yes, well aware He chose to give His life). Yet, we never see a hesitation or dread or a negative remark toward anything or anyone He faced. Jesus was the living example of being excited to make the right choices in a society where so many were making wrong choices. It sounds like today, doesn't it? Secular culture has created a culture of what is morally and Biblically wrong into appearing "right." So many are confused and disillusioned; they are excited over temporary situations rather than eternal investments. According to His Word—as Jesus did, we need to be living out the words, actions, and attitude that mimics our Creator and Savior. As we live out our faith, we want others to see Christ in us.

Micah 6:8 sets a standard of doing right, loving-kindness in a spirit of humility. Did we see Jesus do this? Yes--He was an unwavering model of humility. He never boasted. He never acted better than those He chose to serve. He never said "I told you so"--not even to Peter after he had denied Him. 

Do you remember what He said, "Do you love me?" Not "are you sorry" or "I'm really disappointed"--but "do you love me?" So at a point in Peter's life where it would have been effortless for him to turn away from his walk with God, Jesus steps up and reminds him that he has a mission to do for an eternal purpose.  

So how do I cope with the uncertainty of today? Here are my suggestions:

  1. Stick close to your Heavenly Father. Our view is tunnel-vision, while His panoramic view stretches as far into our future as we can fathom….and even farther.    
  2. Rest in Him and know that through the unknown, He brings the extraordinary. 
  3. As we look to our Father, be excited about what He can and will do through you. We don't have all of the answers—and we never will.  
  4. Serve Him anyway--"with all of your heart and soul and mind." Not because others are doing it, but because He has called you to make a difference for Him. 
  5. As we walk with Him, let's be humble and remember that it is by His power that we have been blessed with talents and abilities.  

During this season of unrest, we have the confidence to look to the author and finisher of our faith, knowing that He has us in his hand…no matter what the future holds.

1 Comment

He has us in His hands- So true and so thankful... beautifully written...

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