Distinct Identity

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As we enter into the 2021-2022 school year, let's be challenged by our theme verse found in Micah 6:8. "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

To fully understand this verse, we have to look at the context and what was going on with the Israelites. Prior to this verse, God reminds His people (through his prophet Micah) of all that He had done for them in the day of Moses. God delivered them from slavery, protected and provided as they traveled, and then fulfilled a promise of freedom.

It was personal because it reminded them of how their past had indeed changed their future. However, this reminder served as a challenge to their beliefs; the prophet sensed that their actions did not match their hearts. They had strayed away from God on the inside. As we would say it, God's chosen people were going through the motions but lacked true belief and commitment to the God that had been so faithful to them time and time again.

So, where are we today in our walk with Jesus? As teachers, parents, and students, do we believe and trust in God who has done so much for us? Does it show both outwardly and on the indise? That is the first true step of faith. This understanding is that each person must make a personal decision to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Believing in Jesus is the catalyst that ignites a desire to do what is right, love others, and follow the example of Jesus.

As our belief in God transforms our hearts, our lives are completely changed, we become distinct in our identities that are reflections of God's grace and love. This Distinct Identity is what we long for, not as a requirement to be recognized, but as an expression of our love and devotion to Jesus.

This year, let's focus on being distinctly identified, not only as a Titan but most importantly, as a Christ-follower in all that we do.


A very timely reminder for all of us!! Thank you Audra for challenging us as we head into a new school year!
Great thoughts and a wonderful challenge to start the new school year!

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