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Keeping the minds of students and children grounded in God's Word on Cultural News...
Keep ReadingWelcome to our new school year! We are excited to share this year's theme: United in Battle! tbcanow.org...
I am sure we all can think of times when someone’s words crushed us and broke our hearts. But I am sure we can also think of those people who spoke life into us. Be THE ONE to speak life!...
The waves do not address every area of life, but they force you to ask God to help prepare you for whatever is coming....
As our belief in God transforms our hearts, our lives are completely changed, we become distinct in our identities that are reflections of God's grace and love. This Distinct Identity is what we long for, not as a requirement to be recognized, but as an expression of our love and devotion to Jesus....
Times sure have changed, but God is still the same. Isn’t it comforting to know that the Lord knows every hair on our heads and wants to hear from us with our prayers? Let us never forget that God is in control. ...
I wanted to make a difference, and I did my part. My teacher and I were a team, and we made God’s wishes come true. God created me to be a Christian and a smart student. No mask could prevent me from learning about the love God feels for me....
Spring is almost here. I don’t know if you are like me, but I love springtime! Trees grow their leaves; flowers bloom, birds build nests and lay their eggs. It feels like the earth is coming alive. Spring always brings my mind to Jesus Christ. Before He is in our life, we are dead inside. But once we invite Him into our lives to be our Savior, He gives us life and beauty....
God places things in our lives not to make us fear but to fully rely on Him. This can be holding many Christians back since we want to know why and how to fix it without going into the unknown....
You can feel the uncertainty in everyone's eyes, and the sense of insecurity can be felt in what used to be deemed the most stable any level of society, from jobs to churches, even in our schools. The reality of COVID continues to wrap its arms around like an amoeba's pseudopod engulfs its food...
The new year has barely started. The decorations have been put away, and we have closed the door on a year most of us are glad to see end. Exactly one year ago, we had no idea what 2020 had in store for us, any more than we currently know what this year will bring....
There are so many things to be thankful for. Turn to God and His word during those times when you want to be a whiner, crier, and complainer. Jesus died for our sins and NEVER complained. What are you thankful for?...
By highlighting character traits such as kindness, patience, and honesty, we can also emphasize the work of The Holy Spirit in the hearts of our children. We can rejoice in the evidence of God’s redemption and sanctification in their lives! ...
Do I seek satisfaction in who people think that I am? Some may think who we are is synonymous with our occupation. There is a desire to be successful in what one finds themselves doing. But even more than that, there is that innate drive to be better than someone else. The drive to be the best secretary, teacher, mom, interior decorator, doctor, lawyer, electrician, mechanic, welder, nurse… only to gain nods of approval....
What are you putting off? If you are like me, multiple topics come to mind. So, seek the Spirit’s guidance on what to start today; get into the Word for help in defeating temptations; remember “little is much when God is in it.”...
I was often asked, “How are you guys doing with virtual learning?” or “How have you handled all being stuck inside and being forced to slow down?” I’ll be honest, at first, it was extremely hard. ...
Things are changing all around us, the darkness is visible. When I was a kid, and I felt scared or alone, I would shut my eyes to hide from the dark. I would close them tightly as if my closed eyes made the entire world disappear. The problem was, the darkness only enhanced my fears, in fact, it made me feel more anxious and alone. I quickly learned to rely on my imagination...
As we sit in the middle of this tumultuous year, we wonder if it’s ever going to end. Even more, we wonder what God has in store with all He has allowed us to endure this year. Rest assured...
As it relates to the home, I think perhaps one of the adages that most proves itself prophetic over time is the following ... “Children become like their parents”. As a matter of fact, as the years pass by and I see old faces from the past who I haven’t seen for a long time, that is often a point of emphasis for them ... “You are looking more and more like your dad!” or “Wow, you remind me so much of your father!” Although this truth is not likely going to excite our children while they are young enough to still live at home, it is unlikely a truth that they will be able to avoid. ...
When both of my kids were young, they had no problem expressing what they wanted or needed. My wife and I would’ve sworn they were both extroverts, as they (like millions of other Millennials) let us know if they were hungry, thirsty, in need of a toy, or desiring a friend. Then they became high school students and later, college students. Eventually, the situation changed around our house. Turns out our daughter is, indeed, an extrovert and is energized by her time with people. (Don’t believe it? Just ask her). My son, however, is an introvert and has a difficult time expressing his deepest feelings or desires, even when they’re merely social. He is intelligent, college-educated, and actually quite articulate. (He’s a writer.) But he has an easier time sharing what he thinks than how he feels, just like his dad....
What most of us assumed would go away in a matter of days in China, has become a global pandemic, according to the World Health Organization. The Coronavirus is now headline news on every major network and on social media feeds everywhere. We can’t escape it....
One of my all-time favorite quotes is, “You must prepare your child for the road, but you can’t prepare the road for your child.” If you’ve never heard that before, stop a minute and let it sink in. We all want to keep our children safe; they are precious gifts from God. We can’t even begin to consider what we’d do if something were to happen to one of them....
Keeping the minds of students and children grounded in God's Word on Cultural News...
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