Posts by Laura Harris

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Transitioning from School to Summer Fun!

The end of another school year is here, and it's been another great year! With Summer here, means it's time to change schedules, set new routines and ensure that everyone is taken care of for the summer. It's never easy and as kids get older, the routine changes constantly. Here are some of my tried and true tips that make for a relaxing summer and an even smoother transit...

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Too Young? Too Soon?

The Benefits of placing your Two year old in an early Academic setting...

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Reading and Talking About Feelings

I have noticed over the years that preschoolers bring their questions, thoughts, and worries to their preschool class with them. To help the children cope with their feelings about sensitive issuesI call them tender topicsthe teachers carefully choose books to read and discuss. You can do this with your child at home. Find the "right" book. Ask a teacher or a children's ...

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Waste Not, Want Not

The importance of redeeming quality time with your children...

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The Benefits of Structure and Discipline

The Importance of reinforcing structure and discipline at home and school...

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